Hoor Fashion eCommerce Website
- Client: Hoor Fashion
- Platform: WordPress
- Website: hoorinsideu.com
- Date: November 21, 2020
Visit Live site: Click Here
Hoor Fashion
hoorinsideu.com is a website of Hoor by Tasnuva Rashid.
Dr. Tasnuva Rashid is a leading Entrepreunor also the CEO of TRZ Garments Industry Limited is the Founder & Owner of Hoorinsideu.com aka Hoor By Tasnuva Rashid.
Hoor By Tasnuva Rashid started its journey in May 2018 with the idea of developing daily fashion lifestyle of women with Pret,Couture,Bridal and Modest Wearing outfits had a huge response and fan following up until now and
had been fetured thourgh various national magazines such as Canvas and had been participation numerous festivals, fairs, and ramp walk.
We, appreciate your support through our journey and thrive to get your love like this in the future as well.
Official Website: https://hoorinsideu.com/
Location: Hoor Fashion, Bangladesh
Our Task
Create a clean and modern eCommerce website for the client.
Our Experience
Friendly Client, had clear instructions and wrapped up the project quickly.
Skills Involved
- Photoshop
- Javascript